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    Authors: Zondervan

    NIV Exhaustive Bible Concordance, Third Edition : A Better Strong's Bible Concordance by Zondervan

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    A powerful tool!

    Along with exhaustive indexing of every word of the NIV, this third edition features the Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbering system, eliminating gaps, flaws, and inaccuracies of the classic Strong's numbers. Cross-references to Strong's enable compatibility with other reference works. This edition has definitions for every Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek word in the Bible and is solidified by computer-verified accuracy.

    Only this concordance provides a complete index of every appearance of every word in the NIV Bible; it’s a must-own for every reader of the NIV Bible. More accurate and comprehensive than online searches and Strong’s concordances, and offering complete access to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek from which the NIV was translated, this award-winning resource promises to make your Bible study the very best.

    Features include the following: (1) Complete alphabetical listing for every word in the NIV, with book/chapter/verse Bible references, context line, and the G/K number for the word translated by the NIV; (2) Dictionary-indexes define every Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek word in the Bible, including the possible meaning of every proper name; (3) Frequency counts given for each original-language word and for each of its English translations in the NIV; (4) Special index of articles, conjunctions, particles, prepositions, and pronouns; (5) Unique numbering system developed by Goodrick and Kohlenberger (G/K) eliminates the inherent gaps, flaws, and inaccuracies of the old Strong’s numbering system and refers the user to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words that are translated by the NIV.

    Author Bio

    John R. Kohlenberger III (MA, Western Seminary) is the author or coeditor of more than three dozen biblical reference books and study Bibles, including The Strongest Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, NIV Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament, NRSV Concordance Unabridged, Greek-English Concordance to the New Testament, Hebrew-English Concordance to the Old Testament, and the award-winning NIV Exhaustive Concordance and Expositor's Bible Commentary: Abridged Edition. He has taught at Multnomah Bible College and Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.


    Product Information

    Format: Hardcover
    Number of Pages: 1968
    Vendor: Zondervan
    Publication Date: 2015
    Dimensions: 11.00 X 8.50 X 1.75 (inches)
    ISBN: 0310262933
    ISBN-13: 9780310262930